Here are the current standings of the 45 day challenge as of yesterday, the end of our 4th week. Again, I would like to reiterate how amazing this has been for me to watch my family and friends get healthier. And if I'm going to lose, I can't think of anyone I'd rather see take the victory lap more than the person currently topping the charts.
Inspiration comes in all forms. Sometimes the trainer needs to be trained. Well done, grasshopper.
543 | Trish |
542 | Chad |
531 | Karn D |
523 | Nick |
512 | Colby |
505 | Jen |
484 | Amy |
468 | Lisa |
442 | Isadora |
432 | John D |
427 | Christina |
397 | Kerry |
389 | Trae |
138 | Wendy |
And now, to my dismay in terms of excess data entry, we get to keep track of a sub-challenge. A little birdie with good connections offered 2 tickets to see Cinderella on Broadway to the winner of the last 30 days of the challenge, only if they could beat me. As it turns out that my trip to Montreal proved to be more tempting than it should have been, I think our little birdie will be coughing up some tickets.
Check out this race. A tie for first place! Not that I'm biased or anything, but KICK HIS ASS, MOM!!! (Trish is my mom, btw...)
237 | Trish |
237 | Colby |
233 | Karn D |
233 | Nick |
230 | Chad |
230 | Amy |
212 | Jen |
212 | Christina |
207 | Lisa |
200 | Isadora |
184 | Kerry |
178 | John D |
173 | Trae |
For review, here are how the points are calculated:
Do not consume added sugars of any kind. No Splenda, Nutrasweet, xylitol, agave nectar etc. Read labels carefully. For the purpose of this challenge Natural sugars such as honey and 100%maple syrup may be used in moderation.
Do Not consume sugary alcohol drinks like wine and sugar based cocktails. You MAY have simple cocktails with clear liquors (it's the holidays for God's sake). IE: vodka or tequila with lime and seltzer. No dark liquors like Rum - too sugary.
Do not eat grains. This includes but is not limited to wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgar, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains and all pseudo grains like quiona. Note: read labels, many unexpected products include grain.
Do not eat legumes. Legumes are beans and more... Black, red, kidney, lima, white, navy, kidney, peas, lentils, peanuts, peas, chickpeas, and all soy products ( edamame, soy beans, bean sprouts, soy sauce,miso, tofu, etc. Read Labels!)
Do not eat dairy. The strict paleo Gods say none, ever. This challenge, only grass-fed butter is allowed. No milk or cheese of any kind.
Root vegetables are good, white potatoes are bad. Although some articles say different for the sake of the cleanse we are going to ditch these too. Try subbing every potato recipe with sweet potatoes, and if your eating yams or sweet potatoes add more grass-fed butter!
Comment below with your daily record with your name, date, and score, or on my Google plus page.
When you wake up you have a fresh 15 points, you can win and loose points depending on your day. You gain points based on the quality food you eat, your sleep (yup, you GAIN points for sleeping), working out and mobility training. Here's the breakdown:
15 points-wake up every day with a fresh new day ahead of the game.
Add points
+2 points for 60 minutes of working out (30min workout=1 point)
+1 for 7+ hours of sleep
+1 for 2 grams of quality fish oil (2 pills/day)
+1 point for mobility training (stretching/yoga) outside of workout hours.
Max allowed points per day is 20 pts. Kudos to you for putting in a 3 hour workout, but you will only be awarded the 2 pts for that time.
Deducting Points
-1 point for every serving of: deli meats, sausage (only if not fully meat/veg), legumes (ie: hummus, peanuts, peas) salad dressing, red wine, tequila, GF Beer or Cider
-2 points for every serving of dairy with the exception of grass-fed butter (milk, yogurt, cheese, soy products)
-3 points for every serving of cereal, oats, grains, corn, flour, rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa and all things derived from above
-4 points for every SERVING of soda, juice (not fresh squeezed or 100% juice), sports drinks, fried food, chips, pizza, cookies, ice cream, ketchup, processed foods, beer (and all alcoholic beverages other than "1 point beverages", sugar added sweets(cake, sorbet, pie, you get it, don't eat it!)
The lowest you can get for one day is zero (thinking Christmas day here people) and the highest is 20.
Do not consume added sugars of any kind. No Splenda, Nutrasweet, xylitol, agave nectar etc. Read labels carefully. For the purpose of this challenge Natural sugars such as honey and 100%maple syrup may be used in moderation.
Do Not consume sugary alcohol drinks like wine and sugar based cocktails. You MAY have simple cocktails with clear liquors (it's the holidays for God's sake). IE: vodka or tequila with lime and seltzer. No dark liquors like Rum - too sugary.
Do not eat grains. This includes but is not limited to wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgar, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains and all pseudo grains like quiona. Note: read labels, many unexpected products include grain.
Do not eat legumes. Legumes are beans and more... Black, red, kidney, lima, white, navy, kidney, peas, lentils, peanuts, peas, chickpeas, and all soy products ( edamame, soy beans, bean sprouts, soy sauce,miso, tofu, etc. Read Labels!)
Do not eat dairy. The strict paleo Gods say none, ever. This challenge, only grass-fed butter is allowed. No milk or cheese of any kind.
Root vegetables are good, white potatoes are bad. Although some articles say different for the sake of the cleanse we are going to ditch these too. Try subbing every potato recipe with sweet potatoes, and if your eating yams or sweet potatoes add more grass-fed butter!
Comment below with your daily record with your name, date, and score, or on my Google plus page.
When you wake up you have a fresh 15 points, you can win and loose points depending on your day. You gain points based on the quality food you eat, your sleep (yup, you GAIN points for sleeping), working out and mobility training. Here's the breakdown:
15 points-wake up every day with a fresh new day ahead of the game.
Add points
+2 points for 60 minutes of working out (30min workout=1 point)
+1 for 7+ hours of sleep
+1 for 2 grams of quality fish oil (2 pills/day)
+1 point for mobility training (stretching/yoga) outside of workout hours.
Max allowed points per day is 20 pts. Kudos to you for putting in a 3 hour workout, but you will only be awarded the 2 pts for that time.
Deducting Points
-1 point for every serving of: deli meats, sausage (only if not fully meat/veg), legumes (ie: hummus, peanuts, peas) salad dressing, red wine, tequila, GF Beer or Cider
-2 points for every serving of dairy with the exception of grass-fed butter (milk, yogurt, cheese, soy products)
-3 points for every serving of cereal, oats, grains, corn, flour, rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa and all things derived from above
-4 points for every SERVING of soda, juice (not fresh squeezed or 100% juice), sports drinks, fried food, chips, pizza, cookies, ice cream, ketchup, processed foods, beer (and all alcoholic beverages other than "1 point beverages", sugar added sweets(cake, sorbet, pie, you get it, don't eat it!)
The lowest you can get for one day is zero (thinking Christmas day here people) and the highest is 20.
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