I geek out so hard over this video!
Firstly, it all makes such perfect sense. The next time I get a patient in my office that tells me, "my doctor told me it isn't good for me to run," I'll probably respond by saying, "THIS doctor said it is ok to run, and this video explains succinctly why."
I also love a point that isn't discussed by the scientist but really jumps out. Look at the differences between the barefoot video and the shod (wearing shoes) video. The exact same runner is a mid foot striker when barefoot but becomes a heel striker when wearing shoes.
An interesting point seeing that the anthropologist is saying we use the Achilles tendon as a spring... Well, if he's landing on his heel while wearing those sneaks, he will no longer be using the Achilles tendon as a spring.
GOD that was great! Ok... off of my soap box now.